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Breaking the Chains of Codependency


Elliot shares his journey through recovery from addiction and mental health challenges. The conversation covers topics such as codependency, the 12-step program, spirituality, and personal growth.

Key themes discussed:

1. Recovery and 12-step programs (AA, NA, Codependents Anonymous)

2. Dealing with codependency and childhood trauma

3. The importance of spirituality and finding a higher power in recovery

4. Changing one's mindset and identity in the recovery process

5. The value of community and support in overcoming addiction and mental health issues

Action Points:

1. Seek Help:   - Reach out to local mental health organizations (e.g., Red Rock in Elk City) for guidance and support.   - Attend 12-step meetings (AA, NA, Codependents Anonymous) to connect with others in recovery.

2. Address Codependency:   - Read the book "Codependence and Arms" for insights into codependent behaviors.   - Work on identifying and expressing your own feelings and needs, rather than always prioritizing others.

3. Embrace Spirituality:   - Explore your personal concept of a higher power, understanding that it's a individual journey.   - Practice the full Serenity Prayer to gain perspective on life's challenges.

4. Change Your Environment:   - Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who encourage your recovery.   - Consider attending a church or spiritual community that aligns with your values.

5. Work the 12 Steps:   - Find a sponsor to guide you through the 12-step process.   - Focus on personal growth and self-reflection through each step.

6. Shift Your Perspective:   - Reframe your identity from being defined by your struggles (e.g., "I'm an alcoholic") to acknowledging your battles (e.g., "I battle with alcoholism").   - Practice self-love and acceptance through daily affirmations and self-care.

7. Give Back:   - Once you've made progress in your recovery, look for opportunities to help others on their journey.   - Share your story to inspire and support those who are struggling.

8. Stay Connected:   - Reach out to Elliot at 785-201-2200 for support or questions about recovery.   - Visit the website for additional resources and information.

9. Maintain Open-mindedness:   - Be willing to try new approaches and perspectives in your recovery journey.   - Stay open to the idea that change is possible, even if it seems difficult at first.

10. Practice Self-awareness:    - Reflect on your past experiences and how they've shaped your current behaviors.    - Work on identifying your character defects and be willing to address them.

By following these action points and embracing the themes discussed in the podcast, listeners can take steps towards their own recovery and personal growth.

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