With lived experience of mental illness and building resiliency, Emily Tuck came to the team in the late summer of 2023 after moving in to an office building to start a life coaching and deep relaxation therapy practice in Elk City, OK.
Soon after meeting Burl, the co founder of Even One Less, and manager of the office building, they realized they had the same long term mission in mind - a non profit for suicide prevention. She quickly dissolved her personal practice and dedicated her full time work to helping build the community of Even One Less.

Emily teaching Emotional First Aid at Yonderfest 2023 in Medicine Park, OK
Since 2012, Emily has prioritized the journey of healing from a bi-polar diagnosis, spiritual disconnection and post traumatic stress. Her passions include understanding the human experience and applied psychology, the connection between the spirit, mind and body, being outdoors, studying the Bible with peers, applying and helping others with awareness, acceptance and action plans, and witnessing underdogs emerge and thrive in life.
"Do it with Joy, or don't do it at all"
Emily's is a Survivor, a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Peer Support Specialist and on the Moving Forward with Faith State Advisory Council. She specialized in stress management and deep relaxation through a wide variety of helping skills. She is a believer in the power of community and support groups. She is a regular contributor to our blogs, a facilitator of Emotional First Aid Training, and an advocate for mental health and wellness.
A message from our Community Manager
"As the Community Manager with Even One Less, I wear many hats. In this position, I strive to create a community of survivors who are looking to build resilience within themselves, find inner peace, and carry it out to their peer groups, offering examples of hope. I'm here to highlight and collaborate with community champions, and build a peer coaching network and resources sharing in rural areas of Oklahoma and Texas. I help other coalitions in prevention efforts and represent other organization's missions along with ours in rural areas. Behind the scenes I do the general day to day operational activities, and work on developing and implementing our programs. I'd love to add you to the team! There are opportunities to help with our goals and mission. We need support with contributing expertise to our blogs, donating your artistic skills or audio/visual skills, being a guest on our podcast, helping gather data and admin support, helping man tables at events, promoting your resources, becoming a facilitator in training, becoming a peer coach or support group facilitator and more. There's plenty of opportunity to help us build a community inclusive for all who want to become better versions of themselves from right where they are. I'm here today, because of compassionate skilled helpers who have helped guide my journey. Reach out to me anytime at emily@evenoneless.com
I look forward to sharing this journey and continuing to help Even One Less grow!"
With gratitude,
Emily Tuck