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Moving Forward with Faith in Oklahoma

Faith Partners Network, the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Ministry Alliances and Coalitions are offering faith organizations the opportunity to train to help their congregations and communities with addiction and mental illness.

The initial training meeting was held at the First Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, OK on March 9th, 2024. Members from many congregations and a variety of denominations along with organizational leaders came together with a common goal: helping others.

Right now ministries in Oklahoma can become part of a major solution for the addiction and mental health epidemic in the state, including our high suicide rates. The department of mental health found that more than 80% of those they serve care about their spiritual health in their overall recovery. Churches are finding out that more and more of their members are battling with mental health issues like depression, anxiety addictions and substance abuse, whether directly or by an affected loved one. A group of people believe that we can combine evidence with belief, hope and faith and soar to new heights in how we collaborate with community support for those effected by mental health disorders.

Designed For All Faiths and Specific To Our Needs.

The Moving Forward with Faith initiative offers a doable plan for church congregations to outreach, support and guide people to help through education, community resources and in house support groups. Already this program has been implemented across the United States with each community and congregation focusing on the specific needs of the people.

Reconnecting The Disconnect In Recovery

Churches naturally offer community resources and offer the extension of Christ in compassion and care. There are also, many who have doubt the Church is equipped to help with matters of spiritual, physical and mental healing, and some have even not found the Church to be a safe space.

Combining the education and best practices to breaking stigmas and being the most helpful to others while upholding our faith traditions is a win win strategy.

Anyone Can Help with This Mission

The Pastor can often times experience burnout from being the sole person in a congregation that people turn to for guidance. Sometimes members have a fear their problems won't be held in confidence and emotional safety won't be honored. Most churches have members who feel safe sharing problems with vulnerability and authenticity.

As lay people and clergy of a Church, we can share the load and create safety nets and healing spaces for our members and those in the community seeking a place of refuge. We already know how beneficial our Church's existing support groups and mission works are to our communities. Lived experience and active recovery is enough to qualify a member to an addiction or mental health ministry team. We also have congregations with skilled professionals who may want to contribute their gift to the ministry.

Faith Partners offers an anonymous survey for congregations to take to see where we stand on matters of problems and skilled helping, and in depth training that continues around June of this year. Drew and Jan make this training a fun and informative experience.

Get Your Church or Ministry Involved

Drew Brooks is the Executive Director of Faith Partners and has been with the non profit since 1999. Drew has extensive experience for this mission including a masters degree in psychology, Hazelden Chemical Dependency Counselor Certification, SAPST Training, Peer Recovery Coach Training, and Mental Health First Aid Training. He has worked over 40 years in prevention, treatment, recovery public health and faith community settings. He as co authored four curriculum on stress management strategies, raising resilient children, group facilitation skills and congregational team ministries. He currently serves on the National Faith Based Prevention Alliance.

Jan Tipton is a retired prevention specialist who has been involved with substance abuse prevention since 1990. She has been a member of a congregational team and has helped train new trainers. She lives in Shawnee, OK and has a BA in Education from Oklahoma Baptist University and a MAT in Gifted Education from Oklahoma City University. She has been a missionary teacher with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Peru, South America and in Kenya, East Africa.

Learn more about Moving Forward with Faith on ODMHSAS website here.

Get connected with Drew, Jan or a team member with Faith-Partners to attend the next training session this June, and get your congregation surveyed to know the needs!

For more information, visit

We at Even One Less are looking forward to using these training in our own Ministry as we build. What do you think about this initiative? Can you see your Church or organization starting a team? We want to know what you think; leave a comment!

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