My son and I like watching videos and movies about Navy Seals.
In fact, my son wants to be a Navy Seal when he grows up. I’m not sure if all guys approach it this way but I watch in awe and respect and wonder, “Do I have what it takes to be a Navy Seal?” “Does my Son have what it takes to be a Navy Seal?”
Statistically, the answer is no. Respectfully, Navy Seals are elite and only a few will ever be a member of that elite group. But this thought brought me to a deeper question that I realized I asked myself often, “Do I have what it takes?” Is my life a waste because I never even tried to be a Navy Seal? Or what if I had gone to the Navy Seal’s training but I didn’t make it? Am I not brave, smart, strong, and mentally tough enough?
I realized that I have asked this question most of my life about a lot of different subjects. I think the majority of the time, the answer is no, I’m not good enough. It makes me wonder if I have been asking the right question. Maybe the real question is, what am I passionate about?
What am I good enough to accomplish in my life? We can have healthy envy or respect for men and women who achieve all sorts of amazing feats, but we cannot derive our identity from other people’s accomplishments. We cannot use their accomplishments as an excuse not to accomplish our own passions. I might not be good enough to become a Navy Seal or win a gold medal or never have a failed marriage.
However, I am good enough because my identity is not based on accomplishments but on who God created me to be.
