When I struggle, of course I look for a solution. I would look for it in church, books,
friends, podcast, family, etc. I looked almost anywhere and everywhere for a solution.
The bigger the struggle the more I searched for answers. I became an expert in self-
help and knowledge. All this searching left me restless, irritable, and discontented. I
gained more knowledge but wasn’t closer to a solution.
Some of my struggles have been a struggle my entire life. It took a lifetime to develop
these struggles. Through my own fault or fault of others, my struggles have developed
over time. I’ve learned to cope with these struggles in many different ways, not always
healthy ways. But I did the best I knew how. I did my best given what I’ve learned and
through the advice of others. The advice given by friends and family was the best they
had to offer but it was limited by their own experiences, their own struggles, their own
ways of coping. They did their best.
I was told “Jesus is the answer”. I believed He was the answer, then slowly over time, I
came to believe that either He didn’t care or didn’t want to help me. I looked for answers
in prayer, church, and fellow believers. I was a Christian and believed in Him to solve
my problems. My behavior, my life didn’t match what I believe a Christian’s life should
look like. I was broken. I was saved but salvation didn’t seem to extend beyond heaven.
I was going to heaven, maybe, but my life would be hell on earth. That’s what I came to

Then I came to realize that we are only given today. It’s a theme in the bible. It’s a
theme in almost every reputable source of encouragement. All we are given is today.
My problems are developed over a lifetime, but the solution is realized over a 24-hour
period. If you break down those 24 hours, you have 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work,
and 8 hours for family, church, and friends. I am believing that TODAY God can be my
solution. Forget about a lifetime of solutions, He is my solution for today only.
God gives us hope for future. But for his children, He only provides solutions for today. I
can’t handle what tomorrow may bring and God doesn’t deal in the past. He is my
source for today, only. Self-knowledge has it’s benefits but it is limited by human
understanding. Our struggles are complex. How they started, developed, and endured
are beyond human comprehension. Our problems need a supernatural response. Just
like we cannot judge the actions and motives of others, we are not capable of judging
our own actions and motives. We need divine intervention.
When I ponder all this, it reminds me that God is in control. He knows what happened.
He knows who’s fault it is. He knows the solution. God has the system rigged. He’s
using my brokenness to create the unity that only God can create. What’s my
responsibility? To depend on Him today for my life, Godliness, and solution.
My responsibility is to be willing for Him to work in and through my life TODAY. God, I give
you today, may your will be done in my life today. I give myself freely to you today, to do
as you please.
There are days when this seems too simple. On those days, I want to seek out the
programs, person, book, etc. that will really solve my problems. I look for forever
solutions. God gently reminds me, I’m not promised tomorrow, I am only promised
today. He reminds me to depend on Him today for everything that I need today and let
Him worry about tomorrow.
It feels amazing to realize that God cares more about my problems than I do.